Celtic Pride Ring Logo

Celtic Pride Logo ©1998, Hilander Publications

Welcome to the Celtic Pride Webring Page!
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Because of the change recently made by WebringOrg. over to Yahoo! we have made the decision to change our ring from Yahoo! to Bravenet's operation. If you are already a member of the Celtic Pride Ring, and you wish to remain, you will need to follow the new instructions HERE to remain on the ring. The old ring will continue to operate until December 1, 2000 and will then be discontinued.
You might want to bookmark this page for future reference, as the application
process will take you to a different page. Please read through before applying.
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If you are interested in joining us in our webring, please read the following information and instructions..

Our requirements and guidelines are simple and consist of the following:

1) Your site must be "user friendly" and follow all acceptable guidelines pertaining to good taste.

No pornography, profanity or other such "adult" material, or links to sites containing such material is acceptable, Nor are illegal music, warez files, hate, anti-racial content or slurs aimed at any other social or religious group. Also, this is not a "Collector" ring. If all you do is collect as many rings as possible, please do not apply.

2) Your site must be Celtic in design and content, containing material which furthers the understanding of the heritage, culture and customs of the Celtic peoples, past and or present. Proper content can include: Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Breton, Cornish, Manx Celtic, or any such related theme. NOTE: If your site does not meet the design and content requirements, don't go any further - sorry, but it WILL NOT qualify.
The Ringmaster will review each submitted site prior to addition to the ring. 

3) The Ringmaster reserves the right to withdraw any site from the list at any time. An email notice will be sent prior to removal stating the reason(s) except in the case of item 5 or 6 , below, and if possible, a list of ways for you to prevent removal of your site. 

4) You MUST use the Celtic Pride logo(s) in unaltered form on your page. Failure will result in removal from the ring (see #3). 

5) You have 15 calendar days from the time we receive your queue notice to join the ring from the queue. If you do not join within 15 days, you will automatically be removed from the ring queue. This is necessary to prevent a buildup of website listings that are not active members of the ring.

6) If, at any time it is discovered that the link to your site from the ring no longer functions, it will be removed without notice.

Does this sound like you? Then let's get on with it.

The first thing you need to do is set up the logo on your page.

It should look similiar to this when you're done: Please do not change
the background or main text colors or modify the graphics in any way.
It may lead to your site not being entered into the ring.
Link text colors will depend upon your own individual document.

Celtic Pride The Celtic Pride SiteRing

This site owned by

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SiteRing by Bravenet.com

Sign up for the ring HERE! You'll need the siteID from Bravenet.
Here are the steps:
  1. Copy the HTML code for the SiteRing Panel below. 
  2. Paste the Panel Code onto the webpage for which you gave the address when signing up.. 
  3. Copy any images to your site. 
  4. Edit the Panel Code in several areas (there are five areas where the code has to be changed): 
    • Where you see [siteID] - replace it with your SiteID (minus brackets)

    • (it was emailed to you when you first signed up)
    • Where you see [put your email address here] - type in your email address (minus brackets
    • Where you see [put your name here] - type in your (or site)  name (minus brackets)
    • Where you see usernum=632978913 - DO NOT change it!
    • Make sure the link to the images are correct to pull the images from your site. 
  5. Save the changes to your site.
  6. E-mail me that your site is ready to be moved to the ring.
  7. You will not see your site in the ring until you have been approved.

  8. You will be notified by email once you are approved. 
  9. If you have troubles, email me at [email protected]

Below is the code you will paste on your site: You will receive a panel code with your welcome message from Bravenet. Please DO NOT use it, as it will not give the same results. USE THIS CODE ONLY!

Please save each of the following images to your site:

After you get your logo and site working, email me at: [email protected])
and let me know you want to be added from the queue to the ring.

NOTE: Once you are installed in the ring, you can edit your site information by going here and bookmarking for future information.

Want a Celtic Pride Wallpaper for your PC?
Send us email

Okay, when you're all set up, let me know, and you're on your way!

Yours aye,
Hal McClellan - Celtic Pride RingMaster